
Apple’s Marketing Trick Behind Their Insane Sales

We’ve known Apple and its incredible tactics for a while now. It’s a household name and has a strong brand image. All thanks to its fantastic marketing efforts and a large customer base, often referred to as ‘Apple Fanboys’. Basically, it’s a large mass of loyal consumers lining up each year to find out the company’s new products, no matter what it takes. 

Apple Store. Via Apple Insider

Their Marketing Tactics

Clever Advertising Campaigns

Apple’s always been the one for creating campaigns that are simplistic yet impactful. Their MacIntosh 1984 TV advert was a particularly memorable campaign. It focused on the idea that they were about to revolutionise the way computers work to keep them leap years ahead of the competition. This notion still stands to this day. Their adverts convey a sense of excitement, achievement and uniqueness, which buys them more customers. 

The Long Queues

Massive crowds standing outside the Apple Store. Via Cult of Mac (appropriately named!)

Apple releases their keynote event in September and pre-order dates for the new products, particularly the iPhone, released shortly after. Now, the pre-order also coincidentally happens to be the same day as the launch day of the products. In addition to this, pre-order customers have to collect their items in-store (there’s no delivery I believe). This leads to the line being super duper long on the day. Not only are eager Apple fans waiting to see the new goodies but pre-order people are getting theirs too. Sneaky marketing. 

Understanding Consumers’ Needs and Always ‘Doing It Better’

Macbook ad for Apple. Via Gregory Schmidt

You may notice that the technology giant loves using superlatives and hyperbole. You know, the best or worst of something filled with exaggeration. They always go for the best. From their speeches to their advertising copy, you will always see phrases such as ‘the best’ iPhone ever or the ‘fastest’ processor. It’s their way of enticing customers to buy their latest gadget because it *supposedly* blows every other brand out of the water. But Apple always dresses to impress.

To wrap it up…

There are so many ways which Apple uses their marketing spend to reach millions, if not, billions of people over the planet. From the sleek, minimalistic stores for a luxurious in-store experience to their fantastic cinematography and ad copy online, Apple does their marketing brilliantly. It’s why they have such a loyal fanbase. And a trillion dollar company.

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